Year in review - infographic style!

It's been about six months since I wrote a real blog post other than a link round-up. One of my 2014 resolutions is to write more regularly -- either for this blog or for myself -- and I'm calling on you, blog readers, to hold me to it. In the meantime, I wanted to share a bit about what it was that kept me too busy to blog. It was a jam-packed year between finishing school, starting a new job, and traveling for fun and for work. At some point in the fall I made a pie chart of where I had spent time so far in the year, and that led to the idea of doing a holiday greeting card in the form of an infographic. I put one together over the holidays and share it with friends and family -- it's supposed to be a bit over the top and tongue in cheek, and it might just become an annual tradition, though future versions will have much better metrics. Click for the PDF:


I also updated the Photography page with links to these albums from 2013: EthiopiaCosta RicaCape Town, and Lesotho. I'm sure there's a better way to present some of these, so suggestions in the comments for integrating photography into a blog are welcome.